Owls that foretell the future
It’s one thing to find the perfect place to hide away, it’s another thing to discover the bird and capture it in an image that is simply beautiful. Patience and the eye of Michelangelo – “for the hands execute, but the eye judges” – accompanied the photo camera of nature and wildlife photographer Graham McGeorge, […]
Reindeer’s seasonal adaptation: fur, fat and eyes
Arctic seasons are known for their extremes. Variety in temperature and changes in light between summer and winter months are the common environmental circumstances that call for adaptation. With the approach of winter, the reindeer start to put on a lot of body fat and also their coats fill out, in color changing from brown […]
How Messi recovered from last year’s eagle attack
The Sami culture has a strong connection with tradition, long-established reindeer herding being at the heart of it. In Sweden alone there are some 260.000 reindeer and young Messi is one of them. In Spring 2014 the newborn calf was attacked by an eagle and although severely injured, it survived. The animal was brought down […]
Why a dogsled is pulled by huskies instead of poodles
Skiing, snowboarding, walking, ice-fishing or a snow scooter ride? The winter’s outdoor activities list is a long one and has to be completed by including a dogsled tour. Dog sledding has its roots in history: travellers and hunters used dog power for transportation of people, food and trade goods, crossing frozen lakes and snow covered […]